
Pdt DR Ir Niko Njotorahardjo

Published on Jun 15 2014 // Berita Tokoh Gereja
Pdt DR Ir Niko Njotorahardjo

Tokoh Kristen Indonesia


Launching The MinistryMy ministry started in 1985. God called me into the full time service using two of His servants to confirm, they were Rev. S. Damaris, a senior man of God, also known as Indonesia’s first itinerant evangelist, and Rev. Schenk, a man of God from the Netherlands.

Pastor Damaris revealed to me that God has called me to serve Him full time in the area of praise and worship, to restore the Tabernacle of David. He said that I was the first individual called by God to serve Him in this area in a full time capacity – with a specific task in mind, to restore the Tabernacle of David, that is why I have to prepare myself to face all the consequence. Rev. Schenk confirmed that call to me in a service he preached in Surabaya, he approached me and said that God called me to bring His people into His presence.

I began to travel, leading worship from one village to the next, from one place to another. Then, not a lot of people were acquainted with my ministry, because there was hardly anyone else is called to serve in that capacity.


For the last 23 years The Lord has called me to serve Him with a specific assignment, to restore the Tabernacle of David. The Tabernacle of David speaks of Prayer, Praise, and Worship together – in unity, day and night. Since that inception, this church has embarked on a journey of faith. September the 4’th 1988 was the inaugural service in Jakarta, at the Karsa Pemuda building, which was attended by over 400 people.

During the first five years, God only revealed the understanding about the Tabernacle of David, which was praise and worship. That started a phenomenon in Jakarta. Praise and worship remained the main feature of our worship services, but on top of that, we saw a lot of conversion began to take place, and many were also healed. We also began to witness another phenomenon in Indonesia where we planted several congregations within the same city. This was something new in Indonesia.

Entering the second five year phase, God gave us a vision based on Isaiah 54: 2 – 3, where God commanded us to ‘spread forth’ to the left and to the right, and for that reason God gave us a direction, “add prayer”. Now we know this triad; Prayer, Praise, and Worship; and these are what we know as a house of prayer – according to Isaiah 56: 7. And God said, if we build a House of Prayer, God will add the number of those who will come to Him as per Isaiah 56: 8. With this understanding in mind, God began to reveal the secret of planting new congregations, which started with our Family Altar groups, several of them combined to form a house of prayer. Within a time span of one year and a half – from 1996 to 1998 – we planted over 200 new congregations.

The third five – year period, God began to reveal about prayer tower. Prayer Tower is a high place of prayer, praise, and worship, for 24 hour day and night, where there is unity. This is what the Tabernacle of David is all about. In the year 2000, at the Prayer Convocation in Jerusalem, there was a word of The Lord being released, “without Prayer Tower, there will not be a harvest of souls”. As we became obedient and started the prayer tower, God began to add the numbers of new congregations being planted. Up to the year 2002, we oversaw around 500 churches.

At that time I thought we have proceeded smoothly in this Prayer Tower thing; we had established a ‘high place’ – that meant holy living and walking with God, and then there was prayer, praise, and worship, and unity as well. But what I had in mind was totally different than what God had in mind. In the year 2002, I remember one of our intercessor had a vision of me, standing in a train platform wearing a suit, and suddenly a voice was heard; ”change destination.. change destination..!!”

As this was reported back to me, I immediately knew there was some changes coming to my ministry. By wearing a suit, that signifies me being ‘on duty’ for ministry. And then The Lord came to me and showed me my ministry up until that point, which was a source of pride to me, and God said “all of this time, you have been proud and arrogant” and I cried before God and said “God, forgive me, and show me what to do”. Two things he asked me to do. The first one, He asked me to pull down the name of our church which I was so proud of back then. The second thing He asked me to do is to go to the different pastors and asked their forgiveness. I did both things God asked me to do. What happened as a result? It is as if a spirit of reconciliation was being poured out on Indonesia. Pastors began to be reconciled to one another, and in the midst of all that, suddenly God said to us that Indonesia will experience Transformation.

The fourth five-year period was a time where many things happened. Servants of God began to join hands. We held the first National Prayer Conference in 2003. Later I saw many city – wide prayer networks began to be formed. We spent a lot of time praying, and what happened as a result?

We were shocked with an event that took place in December 26, 2004, which is known as the Great South Asian Tsunami that swept through Aceh Province and North Sumatra. Not long afterwards, a similar catastrophe on a smaller scale hit Nias Island, and scores of other natural disasters. Many new and strange diseases began to emerge. The number of poor people began to increase. We were crying out at that time; “we asked for transformation, why did you let this happen?” But behind this façade of misery, we saw many began to turn to The Lord. In the year 2006, through many utterance of the word of the Lord, He said; ”The year of miracle and healing”. I remember on August the 8’th, 2006 when the first Miracle and Healing crusade was held in the city of Bandung, I saw how it actually happened. The blind see, the lame walked, cancer and tumor disappear immediately.

And that phenomenon kept on reoccurring time after time. Soon afterwards, God instructed me to tour different cities to hold similar crusades. In each city, I saw God continue to move in a similarly awesome fashion, and that lets me know, in the midst of natural disasters, outbreak of diseases, and poverty, things that have brought suffering to Indonesia; In the midst of all these, that’s where healing is taking place. This is in line with Hosea 6:1 ; “…come, let us return to the Lord, for He has torn us, but He will heal us; He has stricken us, but He will bind us up…” This is what’s happening to Indonesia. The key word is ‘come let us return to The Lord’. Since August 2006, God gave a new name to our ministry. Now we are know as the ‘Healing Movement Ministry’, and he has allowed for new ‘streams’ of healing to flow out of this ministry.

The first one is the Healing Movement Crusades, where God commanded us to go to the different cities and to date we have conducted 167 crusades in different places.

Next, God gave us the Healing Movement Camp, where we see God restores families. Not only in Spiritual and Mental restoration, but physical healing as well.

And then God gave us Healing Movement for the poor. Through our NGO, Love and Care Foundation for Indonesia, many marvelous stories of transformed lives took place.

God also gave us the Healing Movement Center, which is SICC, Sentul International Convention Center.

Through many of His prophets God revealed that SICC is the House of Prayer for All Nation, “a healing center, and a miracle center, a very influential place for the transformation of Indonesia and the nations.” These days, we are in the midst of a healing movement and I understand that this is God’s own movement. For this movement to last, God said, first; “do not steal the glory of The Lord” and then “do not take any personal advantage from this ministry.”

If we review this journey of faith, we see that God began to fulfill the definition of the Tabernacle of David. Let me restate; The Tabernacle of David is prayer, praise and worship. We have already done that, and unity on top of that. We now have already done that using God’s definition. Now the only part remain is the ‘day and night’ part. I believe God is leading us into this phase. We are asked to spend a lot of time in God’s presence – being intimate with God, day and night. What is the purpose of God to restore the Tabernacle of David? Acts 15: 17 says “So the rest of mankind may seek The Lord. Even all the Gentiles who are called by My Name, Says The Lord who does all these things.” God said what you have seen is just the tip of the iceberg. You will see greater things than these if we obey what God is telling us to do.

Entering into the fifth five – year period, God continue to lead His church to step into His perfect plan. I remember in early 2009, God said very strongly to me ‘I am coming back soon’. God asked me to preach on this message wherever I went, up until today. Later, in the middle of 2009, God said ‘I will pour out My Spirit’ according to the prophecies of Joel 2: 28 – 32. God said there will be three signs of the pouring out of My Spirit; (1) verse 28-29, there will be a mighty awakening, starting with children, young people, and even into old people (grandpas and grandmas), (2) verse 30-31, there will we shakings (awesome and fearful miracles), and (3) verse 32, there will be a harvest of souls.

In the beginning of 2010 God gave us Acts 1:8; “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit is upon you, and you shall be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea, in Samaria, and into the uttermost part of the world.” God asked us to be witnesses of Christ not only by our words, but also through our actions and acts of love like Jesus did. These days God continue to remind us that we are the light of the world. That’s why, according to Isaiah 60: 1-2, we have to arise and shine, behold darkness covers the earth, and deep darkness the people, but the light of The Lord has risen upon us and His glory will be seen over us.

Five things will take place when we arise and be light – based on Isaiah 60;

Nations will gather to your light
The riches of the nations will come to us
Truth and justice will prevail
There will be no more violence heard in the land
All the inhabitants will be called righteous. God continue to lead and to guide His church into His plan and purpose.

God reminded me about David, someone whose heart is after god’s own, because he did the will of God for his generation. (Acts 13: 22, 36). These days, we are asked to have eyes and ears of a disciple that is able to hear the voice and the guidance of The Lord clearly, and to have eyes that will always behold God to get his plan for this world. Let us all have a great heart – which is Jesus’ own heart, full of love that will dispel all fears and covers multitudes of sin. We will see many will turn to Jesus not by eloquence of preaching or display of power, but through sowing goodness with the love of Jesus which is in our hearts through His grace.

Visi & Misi Gereja Bethel Indonesia Jl. Gatot Subroto

Tanggal 4 September kebaktian perdana GBI Jl. Gatot Subroto (dahulu bernama GBI. Bethany) diadakan.

Wadah-wadah mulai dibuka. Gereja bergerak kuat dalam urapan pujian & penyembahan.Sampai pertengahan tahun 1993 terdapat 16 gereja yang berdiri. Tahun-tahun perintisan. Tuhan menghendaki pendirian gereja yang berpolakan: adakan beberapa kali kebaktian Praise & Worship, setelah ada peneguhan lebih lanjut, dirikan gereja di tempat/kota itu.

Tuhan memberikan visi di dalam Yesaya 54:2-3, “Lapangkanlah tempat kemahmu, dan bentangkanlah tenda tempat kediamanmu, janganlah menghematnya; panjangkanlah tali-tali kemahmu dan pancangkanlah kokoh-kokoh patok-patokmu! Sebab engkau akan mengembang ke kanan ke kiri, keturunanmu akan memperoleh bangsa-bangsa, dan akan mendiami kota-kota sunyi.”

Tahun 1994 adalah tahun penggenapan visi yang Tuhan beri di tahun 1993 dalam Yesaya 54: 2-3 menjadi tema utama. Tahun ini merupakan tahun persiapan:

Mempersiapkan Pasukan Doa Syafaat
Memulai doa puasa setiap hari Sabtu (dimulai pada tgl. 5 Maret)
Mempersiapkan Family Altar (kelompok sel)

Pada tahun ini Pasukan Doa mulai dibentuk.

Tuhan memberikan visi di dalam Yesaya 56:7, “Mereka akan Kubawa ke gunung-Ku yang kudus dan akan Kuberi kesukaan di rumah doa-Ku. Aku akan berkenan kepada korban-korban bakaran dan korban-korban sembelihan mereka yang dipersembahkan di atas mezbah-Ku, sebab rumah-Ku akan disebut rumah doa bagi segala bangsa.”

Visi Rumah Doa menjadi tema utama. Tuhan menghendaki umat-Nya untuk menjadi rumah doa. Kotbah-kotbah dan seminar-seminar doa diadakan.

Tahun 1997 adalah tahun misi dan penginjilan. Prof. Peter Wagner seorang pakar mengenai pertumbuhan gereja menyimpulkan dalam sebuah bukunya bahwa pertumbuhan gereja yang paling efektif adalah dengan membuka gereja-gereja baru. (Gereja-gereja baru ini merupakan “rumah-rumah doa” / pangkalan doa). Kejadian Mei 1997 yang mengguncangkan kota Jakarta menjadikan umat semakin menjadi rumah doa.Pertengahan tahun kami mulai membentuk kubu-kubu doa. Kubu-kubu doa dibentuk di kelompok-kelompok sel (FA) untuk pertahanan wilayah RT / RW / Kelurahan setempat, untuk menduduki dan memenangkan wilayah tsb bagi Kristus dan menjadikan jemaat Rumah Doa. Kubu Doa bersifat ringkas dan fleksibel. Dari satu kelompok sel (FA) dapat dibentuk 2 atau 3 kubu doa.

Menuai dalam kasih.
Tuhan memberikan tujuh strategi penuaian:

Memperhatikan yang kekurangan
Mendoakan bangsa-bangsa
Jangan takut
Pergi, injak, kumpulkan orang dan ajak berdoa
Banyak berdiam diri dan berdoa
Menjadi murid Kristus
Doa menjadi awal dan prioritas untuk penuaian.

Tahun 1998 Menara Doa (Watch Tower) mulai dirintis pendiriannya. Konvokasi doa di Jerusalem th. 1998 yang dihadiri oleh bangsa-bangsa memberikan kesimpulan bahwa tanpa Menara Doa (Rumah Doa 24 jam) tidak akan terjadi penuaian. September 1998 kami memulainya dengan satu Menara Doa 24 jam yang bertempat di gedung BHS, lantai 25, Gajah Mada – Kota.

Tuntunan Tuhan adalah:

Persiapkan bahtera kehidupan
Menara Doa (tempat tinggi, intim 24 jam, unity)

Memasuki tahun ini diawali dengan doa puasa 40 hari. Tuhan menghendaki untuk masuk perhentian / berdiam diri dan memikirkan perkara yang di atas bukan yang di bumi.
Ada 3 hal yang harus diperhatikan pada tahun ini :

Penuaian jiwa besar-besaran
Goncangan yang besar
Hidup berjaga-jaga

Sasaran penuaian: Bani Kedar dan Nebayot (Yes 21: 13-16).
Pola penuaian di akhir jaman:

Kemuliaan Tuhan memenuhi gereja-Nya (Ef 5:18-21, Yoh 17:21)
Pray, Praise & Worship
Bangkit dan menjadi terang (Yes 60:1)
Miliki pikiran dan perasaan Kristus (Flp 2:5)
Tuhan akan turun di hadapan seluruh bangsa agar mereka memiliki rasa takut akan Tuhan

Visi tahun ini adalah “Tahun pelipatgandaan, Tahun Mukjizat, Tahun tidak ada yang mustahil bagi orang percaya”, bagi kita yang sudah melakukan apa yang terbaik, yaitu duduk di kaki Yesus seperti Maria untuk mendengarkan apa yang dikatakan Tuhan. Duduk diam di kaki Yesus artinya menanti-nantikan Tuhan. Di dalam Yesaya 40:31, “…orang-orang yang menanti-nantikan TUHAN mendapat kekuatan baru: mereka seumpama rajawali…”.


Pesan Konvokasi Jerusalem 2001: Deeper Intimacy (intim lebih lagi dengan Tuhan).
Pesiapan umat yang layak, hidup intim dengan Tuhan menjadi hal yang utama, di dalam Wahyu 2:1-5, Tuhan kembali mengingatkan kita kepada kasih mula-mula agar kita dapat mengalami hujan awal dan hujan akhir, yaitu mereka yang begitu haus dan lapar akan kebenaran, yang selalu memburu hadirat Tuhan, memburu firman Tuhan dan meresponinya.Kita juga memperoleh janji Tuhan yang ada di dalam 1 Korintus 2:9, “…Apa yang tidak pernah dilihat oleh mata, dan tidak pernah didengar oleh telinga, dan yang tidak pernah timbul di dalam hati manusia: semua yang disediakan Allah untuk mereka yang mengasihi Dia”

Penuaian Jiwa Beribu-ribu Laksa, tiga senjata Allah yang harus kita pergunakan untuk memasuki penuaian jiwa beribu-ribu laksa, seperti dalam Wahyu 5:8-12, yaitu terdiri dari tersungkur menyembah Tuhan Yesus; Doa, Pujian dan Penyembahan; Menyanyikan nyanyian baru, seperti dalam Mazmur 40:4.

Tahun 2003 adalah tahun pencanangan Transformasi bagi bangsa Indonesia dan tahun lawatan Tuhan. Seperti dalam Yoel 2:23, “Hai bani Sion, bersorak-soraklah dan bersukacitalah karena TUHAN, Allahmu! Sebab telah diberikan-Nya kepadamu hujan pada awal musim dengan adilnya, dan diturunkan-Nya kepadamu hujan, hujan pada awal dan hujan pada akhir musim seperti dahulu.”Tuhan sudah berbicara dan berjanji terjadi Transformasi untuk Indonesia, dan dalam Ulangan 11:13-14, “Jika kamu dengan sungguh-sungguh mendengarkan perintah yang kusampaikan kepadamu pada hari ini, sehingga kamu mengasihi TUHAN, Allahmu, dan beribadah kepada-Nya dengan segenap hatimu dan dengan segenap jiwamu, maka Ia akan memberikan hujan untuk tanahmu pada masanya, hujan awal dan hujan akhir, sehingga engkau dapat mengumpulkan gandummu, anggurmu dan minyakmu.” Kita akan membangun Rumah Doa bagi segala bangsa di Bukit Sentul, yang akan memberi dampak kepada TRANSFORMASI INDONESIA.

Visi Tuhan tahun 2004, Prepare The Way For The King Of Glory. Untuk mempersiapkan kedatangan Raja Kemuliaan kita harus semakin sungguh-sungguh dengan Tuhan, sesuai dengan pesan Tuhan dalam 2 Petrus 3:11-12, “…betapa suci dan salehnya kamu harus hidup yaitu kamu yang menantikan dan mempercepat kedatangan hari Allah…”

Visi tahun 2005 adalah Tahun Kebangkitan Gereja.

Visi tahun 2006 adalah Tahun Kesaksian Gereja, Penginjilan, Mujizat, Kemenangan, Peperangan Rohani.

Visi tahun 2007 adalah Tahun Peperangan Rohani, Kesembuhan, Mujizat, Pertobatan.

Visi tahun 2008 adalah Tahun Mujizat dan Kesembuhan

Visi tahun 2009 adalah Tahun Mujizat dan Kesembuhan yang Kreatif

Visi tahun 2010 adalah Tahun Pemulihan dan Kelimpahan

Visi tahun 2011 adalah Tahun Multiplikasi dan Promosi

Visi tahun 2012 adalah Tahun Multiplikasi dan Promosi Karena Perkenanan Tuhan
Visi tahun 2013 adalah Tahun Pemulihan Seutuhnya – Entering the Next Level

Visi tahun 2014 adalah Tahun dibuka-NYA pintu – pintu mujizat (The Year of God Opening Doors for Miracles). Wahyu 3:8

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